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Date: 27 January 2025

Time: 17:02

Trust Chief Executive Dame Julie Moore

Dame Julie helps launch LGBT History Month

Story posted/last updated: 21 January 2016

Trust Chief Executive Dame Julie Moore will be the keynote speaker when the University of Birmingham launches its LGBT History Month celebrations.

The event, at the Bramall Music Building on Friday February 5, will also feature a screening of The Queen of Ireland, an acclaimed documentary that tells the story of Pandora 'Panti' Bliss, a drag queen who became a figurehead for the Irish LGBT Community in the campaign leading up to the vote on gay marriage.

The evening will finish with a celebration of diversity in song, from the West Midlands Rainbow Voices Choir.

Each February Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History Month takes place across the world to celebrate the lives and achievements of the LGBT community. The University of Birmingham observes LGBT History Month with a range of talks, performances and events taking place across its Edgbaston campus.

Professor Adam Tickell, Provost and Vice Principal and University Executive Board LGBT Champion: "The University is proud of its diverse staff and student bodies and recognises the significant contribution LGBTQ people have made to the University, both as a research institution and as a welcoming place to work.

“We were delighted that Stonewall decided to rank us the 79th most gay-friendly employer in the country in 2015, and I hope that our commitment to being an inclusive workplace is recognised again in Stonewall's 2016 rankings."

For information on the Guild of Students' History Month events, visit the University of Birmingham LGBTQ Association page (see below).

For more details about the launch event, go to the University of Birmingham events page.


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