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Date: 27 January 2025

Time: 17:12

Dietitian Week Team

Flavour of the week – Dietitians Week 8 - 12 June

Story posted/last updated: 22 May 2015

Expert dietitians from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) will be out in force during June to highlight their work.

Staff will be on hand on various days during the British Dietetic Association’s Dietitians’ Week promoting the organisation’s Trust a Dietitian campaign.

Dietitians work in all areas of the University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB NHS Foundation Trust) as part of multi-disciplinary teams and have close links with medical, nursing, catering and pharmacy departments as well as the other therapy services.

They offer a wide range of dietary advice to help patients with conditions such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, coeliac disease and  metabolic amongst nutritional support and weight management.

“Maintaining a healthy, often specialised, diet is important to treat a number of conditions as well as in general to help all patients in their recovery,” said specialist dietitian Louise Robertson.

“Dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition problems at an individual and wider public health level.

“Dietetic departments reduce demand on other NHS services by innovative working practices; providing preventative care and rehabilitation and maximising quality of life for patients; ultimately reducing the burden of cost on the NHS.”

“We educate patients, communities and other healthcare professionals about nutrition.”

Dietitians’ week runs from June 8 – 12 with a programme of events planned for the QE.

On Monday, June 8, staff will be in the atrium between noon and 14:00 explaining their role to patients, staff and visitors.

On Wednesday, June 10, they will be in the Plaza Restaurant (10:00 – 15:00) answering questions about healthy nutrition and handing out advice leaflets before another session (12:00 – 14:00) in the atrium on Friday answering the question, why trust a dietitian?

Leading up to Dietitians week staff and visitors will have the chance to email their diet questions to the Dietetic Team and they will select the top 10 questions to answer.

Email your questions to the team and we will publish the top 10 questions and answers online and in news@QEHB.


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