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Date: 27 January 2025
Time: 17:05
Malala Yousufzai discharged from QEHB
Story posted/last updated: 15 April 2014
Malala Yousufzai has been discharged from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) after making a good recovery from her surgery last weekend.
The 15-year-old underwent cranial reconstruction and had a cochlear implant fitted on Saturday 2 February in a five-hour operation.
She spent two nights in the hospital’s Critical Care Unit before being moved to a ward, where she continued to make progress.
Her medical team decided she was well enough to be discharged as an inpatient yesterday (7 February). She will now continue her rehabilitation at her family’s temporary home in Birmingham and will visit the hospital occasionally for outpatient appointments.
The family requests that media respect their privacy and dignity at this time.
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