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Date: 27 January 2025
Time: 16:51
New clinic excites taste buds
Story posted/last updated: 23 September 2014
The Inherited Metabolic Disorders team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) will be holding a new clinic four times a year for people with Phenylketonuria (PKU) - a rare inherited metabolic disorder.
The condition leaves the body unable to break down phenylalanine which is found in high protein food such as eggs, meat and cheese. This can build up in the blood and cause damage to the brain in infancy and cause toxic effects in adulthood.
Over 100 PKU patients will be invited to the new clinics which will give them an opportunity to see their doctors, nurses and dietitians, and to have a look at the range of new specialist PKU diet foods to help their condition.
Specialist Dietitian Louise Robertson, said: “Previously patients were invited to an annual appointment with their doctor and dietitian; however the 'did not attend' rate for the clinic was above average due to patients living with the condition since birth and not having the motivation to attended the same clinic yearly.
“We have received a large amount of positive feedback from patients after running a pilot clinic and the first clinic in September 2014 had a great attendance.”
The stands at the new clinic will give the patients opportunity to sample low protein foods, find out about new food options and get a chance to meet up with other people with PKU to give each other support.
The next clinic will be held on Friday 12 December 2014, PKU patients will be invited by mail but if you would like more information contact the dietitians by email.
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