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Date: 27 January 2025

Time: 16:53

Nurses to scale Everest

Story posted/last updated: 15 April 2014

Two intrepid Birmingham nurses will be scaling Everest next month to raise funds for wounded troops.

Corporals Hannah Grierson and Fran Hulme will be starting their challenge on Monday 28 October after completing three weeks of aid work in Nepal.

The pair, who nurse at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) which cares for all injured British military personnel, have been inspired by those they look after.

Hannah, 25, said: “We’re passionate about supporting the Patient Welfare Fund within the QEHB Charity as it makes a massive difference to patients and their families. The fund is used to improve the quality of life during admission and pays for a host of items, from computer consoles and DVDs in the ward common room to basic provisions such as toiletries.

“The fund also helps families by providing comforts and facilities such as Fisher House, a ‘home from home’ for them to stay in a short walk from the hospital. I’m really excited about the challenge but also a little apprehensive. Remembering the difference the fund makes has pushed me on during training and will hopefully carry me through the altitude sickness and any other difficulties we encounter!”

The pair, who have been friends since they started working at the hospital together three years ago, have been granted a Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Travel Scholarship to go to Nepal. They will complete two weeks in a government hospital Emergency Department and one week at a health outpost in the mountains, before tackling Everest.

Fran, 26, added: “We’re proud to have been granted the scholarship as Nepal’s medical resources are scarce and we can hopefully make a real difference to the communities we work with. In tackling Everest we can also support those in need at home.

“As military nurses we’ve seen firsthand how QEHB and the QEHB Charity together succeed in providing the best care for our wounded soldiers. Please make a donation of whatever you can afford – your support is greatly appreciated."

To sponsor Hannah and Fran, please visit their JustGiving page or text MTEV55 £ followed by your amount to 70070.


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