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Date: 27 January 2025
Time: 16:58
Old QE kitchens turned into TV studio
Story posted/last updated: 17 February 2012
The new series of Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic will be aired from a purpose-built studio in the old kitchens in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Fronted by Dr Christian Jessen and Dr Dawn Harper, who will be joined by a team of GPs and specialists, the show will return with a new feature that allows viewers to check their health via iPhone or a video symptom checker, through which users can interact with the show's doctors.
As in the first series, Live From the Clinic will show doctors providing live consultations to as many viewers as possible via Skype.
Viewers with an iPhone will also be able to download a free app, called MyHealthChecker, which will enable audiences to carry out simple tests such as colour blindness.
Viewers can then track results over time via the app and the Channel 4 show’s website and share them with their GP.
For more on this story, please see the Guardian website.
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