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Date: 27 January 2025

Time: 17:19

Spherical virus with stalks coming out of it

Prioritising COVID-19 research

Story posted/last updated: 22 April 2020

UHB are taking part in a number of national trials that are rapidly investigating potential treatments for COVID-19 and improving our knowledge of the virus.

Two of these trials, ISARIC and UKOSS, are collecting data from COVID-19 patients to help increase and improve our understanding of COVID-19, how it works, and how it could potentially be treated.

ISARIC is collecting information from all COVID-19 patients across all UHB hospitals, with more than 2,000 patients having already taken part. UKOSS is looking at how COVID-19 may affect pregnancy for mothers and babies. All pregnant women admitted to Heartlands, Good Hope or Solihull Hospital are able to take part. 

Two further trials, RECOVERY and SGO16, are investigating the use of different drugs, currently being used for other diseases, to see if they could benefit patients with COVID-19.

RECOVERY (Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY) is testing a number of drugs, with regular reviews based on updated clinical evidence to add or remove drugs from the trial.

SG016, which looked at the effectiveness of a drug, SNG001, in improving lung function for patients with COVID-19, was able to finish recruitment within a week. Initial results from all trials are expected within weeks.

The research, development and innovation team are also working hard to set up more COVID-19 trials at the Trust, while ensuring that frontline clinical work continues to be supported. 

Jo Plumb, Deputy Director of Research, Development and Innovation, said: “We are prioritising research into COVID-19, and are focused on opening and delivering as many nationally prioritised trials as we can.

“I’d like to thank the thousands of patients who have already taken part in COVID-19 trials across the Trust.

“I’d also like to thank all research colleagues for their hard work in setting up trials and recruiting patients as well as volunteering to work on the front line in intensive care and A&E.”

Trial recruitment across UHB is being led by a Trust-wide COVID-19 research team.

For more information, please contact Amy Bamford for recruitment at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and Mary Bellamy for recruitment across Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull. 


For regular updates on COVID-19 Research, please follow @UHBResearch on Twitter.

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