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Date: 27 January 2025
Time: 16:56
Rare disease patient information day
Story posted/last updated: 16 May 2014
On 21 June 2014 the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham will be hosting a patient information day for patients living with rare conditions.
What's involved?
The day will feature a mixture of talks and workshops from both expert health care professionals, and patient representatives. Topics will include current projects to improve care, psychological support, transition, genetics and inheritance, and much more. There will also be the opportunity to meet a variety of patient support groups.
What time does it start?
Registration starts at 09:00 and the day will close at 16:30.
The day will be held in the Post Graduate Centre on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital site.
Where can I find further information?
The day is free of charge and will include refreshments and a buffet lunch.
For further information, or to book your place please visit the conferences@QEHB website.
Please note that online booking will close on 7 June 2014.
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