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UHB consultant haematologist is "Researcher of the Year"
Story posted/last updated: 24 May 2018
A University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) consultant was recently presented with a national Researcher of the Year Award.
Gillian Lowe, consultant haematologist at UHB, was presented with a NIHR British Society of Haematology Researcher of the Year Award, which recognises NHS consultants who are research active and fit research into their clinical practice.
Over the last five years, Gill has expanded the haematology research portfolio at UHB, from a small number of simple studies to a wide range of research trials, including commercial studies. The appointment of a senior research nurse, Elizabeth Dwenger, has also been crucial to the significant increase in haematological trials taking place at UHB.
Gill is also a co-NIHR Clinical Research Speciality Lead in Haematology, helping to establish a haematology research portfolio across Trusts in the West Midlands, acted as a medical advisor in reviewing literature for blood disorder charities, and is helping to supervise the national trainee research network in non-malignant haematology (HaemSTAR).
“I was delighted to win the NIHR-BSH Award at the BSH meeting in Liverpool earlier this year,” Gill said.
“When I started, we had no research nursing allocation, so all research had to be done as an additional activity alongside the clinical work of myself and my colleagues.
“It’s been fantastic seeing the growing amount of haematology research taking place at UHB, in part thanks to our research nurse, Elizabeth Dwenger.
“Our research activity is a team effort and is delivered by my medical colleagues Charles Perry, Will Lester, Suzanne Morton, as well as all other members of the haemophilia and haematology teams.
“I’d also encourage all trainees to take part in research, as it can really help clinical practice, as well as potentially helping lead to medical breakthroughs.”
The award was presented by Dr Louise Wood, Director of Science, Research and Evidence at the Department of Health and Social Care at the British Society of Haematology Annual Scientific meeting, which focused on how to make research beneficial for patients.
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