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Date: 22 January 2025
Time: 06:51
Dementia resources
The following organisations provide help and advice to carers of people with dementia.
Age UK
Please visit the Age UK website for information, advice, services, campaigns, training and research.
Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer’s Society provide help and advice as well as support for all forms of dementia. They also provide cafes as well as activities such as singing for the brain. Publications and factsheets are available to download from the Alzheimer’s Society website.
To self-refer to the Alzheimer’s Society, please access and print the 'Alzheimer’s Society referral form' from the 'Downloads' section below. Completed forms should be returned to the address listed within the form.
Carers Trust
The Carers Trust is a charity that works to improve support, services and recognition for carers.
Carers UK
Carers UK offers support, help and advice from other carers.
Dementia Carer
The website allows carers of people living with dementia to share information about what helps them, what to do when things get tough and where to go to find help.
Dementia Information and Support for Carers (DISC)
DISC is a Birmingham service specifically for carers of people with confusion and memory problems. The free service offers ongoing support and advice during your caring journey.
DISC can be contact via the following telephone number or via their website.
Tel: 0121 553 6483
Dementia UK
Admiral nurses provide help and support for carers/families looking after a person with Dementia.
Forward Carers
Forward Carers is a West Midlands based carer support service that aims to make a real difference to the lives of people caring for an elderly, frail, sick or disabled family member. The Forward Carers website also includes information on how to refer a carer to the Birmingham Carers Hub.
Lewy Body Society
The Lewy Body Society provide specific information relating to dementia with Lewy Body and includes downloadable resources.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
NICE provide health and social care guidelines for people with dementia and their carers.
NHS Choices
The NHS Choices website features information on dementia, signs and symptoms, living with dementia and carer support.
POhWER Birmingham
POhWER provide an advocacy service for people who lack capacity or who may need an independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA). Advice and information about the IMCA service can be obtained from the Birmingham section of their website.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
The SCIE website provides information for both professional and carers of people with dementia. A number of resources can be accessed such as videos and e-learning.
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust is not responsible for the contents or the reliability of external websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Listing should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that links to other websites will work all of the time, and we have no control over the availability of external web pages.