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Date: 13 March 2025

Time: 16:57

Graphic design services: leaflets

graphics@QEHB: graphic design services from University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

The Graphics Team designs and prints a wide range of leaflets, from single-sided A5 through to roll-folded DL format, with print runs from 50 to 50,000.

Design is charged at £45/hour for internal UHB staff and £50/hour for external clients and can vary considerably on leaflets, depending on the size and complexity of content. We can provide an estimate of graphics time on receipt of your information.

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Leaflet orders

To order leaflets, please contact us.

graphics@QEHB: 0121 371 6497 / 6493 (internal: 16497 / 16493)

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Further information

graphics@QEHB: 0121 371 6497 / 6493 (internal: 16497 / 16493)

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