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Date: 13 March 2025

Time: 17:05

Graphic design services: patient information

graphics@QEHB: graphic design services from University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

The Graphic Design Team offers a patient information service for both University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) staff and external customers.

External customers

External customers can take advantage of the vast experience of the Graphic Design Team in producing patient information.

We can produce a range of publications, from single colour and "no carbon required" (NCR) forms, to two-colour A5 and DL leaflets, and even full video production of your patient information.

All documents are designed according to NHS guidelines and colour palettes.

Our in-house printing service for patient information offers extremely competitive print rates, along with excellent customer service.

A translation service is also available.

To request an estimate or place an order for patient information publications, please contact us.

graphics@QEHB: 0121 371 6497 / 6493 (internal: 16497 / 16493)

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UHB customers

UHB customers can order patient information via the Trust intranet (please see "Communication tools" under the "Tools" tab on the intranet for further information).

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Further information

graphics@QEHB: 0121 371 6497 / 6493 (internal: 16497 / 16493)

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