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Date: 1 May 2024

Time: 22:39

Medical physics outreach

Several RRPPS staff members and trainees, along with Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine colleagues, volunteer as STEM Ambassadors to open the eyes of young people to the application of physics to medicine and the career opportunities this creates. The outreach team has had many successes over the years, including being runner’s up for the Special Award for Public Engagement at the 2015 NHS England Healthcare Science Awards.

Team members attend school talks and careers events as well as organising an annual school’s event to celebrate International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) every November 7th. These annual events take place at local schools and involve students trying out 3-4 interactive stations, each giving a flavour of a different specialism within medical physics. To make these events happen we collaborate with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) outreach programme to source equipment and leaflets to distribute in schools - all aimed at showing that physics can be practical, relevant and crucial in places you might not expect, such as healthcare.

Quotes from teachers and students following our events

"Overall, students greatly appreciated the opportunity and the expertise you were able to share with them. As a teacher, I would like to say that having an expert visit the classroom is invaluable in bringing the subject to life."

"Truly inspiring, it was completely up to date with emerging technologies and allowed our students to see up close and personal how what they learn in lessons can be applied. It was delivered by an expert team who had a range of backgrounds who were excellent ambassadors!"

"Seriously considering doing physics A-level"

"I didn't know where was such a thing as medical physics, this really helped me to see how useful it is and how much we rely on physics."

"You can teach about medical physics but there is nothing quite like seeing it in action."

"I did not know the depth of career opportunities in physics before the session."

"The session got me interested as I could see different aspects of careers you could take with a degree in science."

Further information

For more information on our outreach activities, please contact:

Matthew Gardner


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