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Date: 13 March 2025

Time: 17:20

Posters: design and print service

graphics@QEHB: graphic design services from University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

For maximum impact, our studio can produce a professional design for you from your supplied text and images.

What we need from you

You need only supply your text and text tables in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint format and your images as JPEGs, and we'll do the rest.

When writing the text for your poster, think of it as an expanded slide presentation, e.g. small paragraphs, bulleted lists etc. Ensure the content is thoroughly checked and approved, if necessary, by co-authors and/or your line manager before submitting as this will avoid editing later and keep design costs down.

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What we provide

A typical A0 laminated poster takes around three hours of design time to complete at a cost of £45/hour for internal UHB staff and £50/hour for external clients, excluding printing. We provide proofs via email for all design jobs prior to printing. We do not provide proofs for print-only jobs.

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Poster finishes

We offer three types of finishes for the printing of your poster. It is important to select the type of finish most appropriate for the intended use of the poster to ensure you are getting the best value.

Standard print The most economical option, printed on 170gsm satin art
Recommended for disposable short-usage posters (e.g. advertising events etc) or display within a frame
A high-quality finish using a matt laminate to avoid glare when displayed
Recommended for posters intended for one-off use at conferences and events or for medium-term display in a static location
Fabric A woven polyester fabric print. Foldable, portable and ideal for travel or conferences abroad
Scratchseal A highly durable, professional matt finish for maximum display impact
Recommended for posters which are to be transported and re-used a number of times or kept on long-term display in a static location

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Poster printing prices, excluding design and VAT*

SizeStandard printLaminatedFabricScratchseal
A0 (84cm x 118.9cm)
A1 (59.4cm x 84cm)
A2 (42cm x 59.4cm)
A3** (29.7cm x 42cm)
A4** (21cm x 29.7cm)

Costings for other bespoke sizes available on request.

* Design is charged additionally at £45/hour for internal UHB staff and £50/hour for external clients.
* VAT is charged at the current rate, where applicable.
** Order quantities of less than 10 prints of A3 or A4 will incur an administration fee of £6.50.

Please note that NHS recharges do not incur VAT. Cash/cheque or external (i.e. non-NHS) invoices are all subject to VAT.


Poster tube £4.00
Velcro £3.00

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Timescales and delivery information

Please allow a 6 – 10 working day turnaround time for design and print of posters. You will need to be available to proof your poster during this period.

If you request an earlier completion date, we will advise on receipt of your request whether this is possible. All posters are delivered for you to collect either from the Graphics Department at Fourth Floor, East Block, QEHB or from the Clinical Photography office (near Ambulatory Care on level 0) at the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

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Order a poster

To order a poster, please contact us.

graphics@QEHB: 0121 371 6497 / 6493 (internal: 16497 / 16493)

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Further information

If you require any further information, please contact us.

graphics@QEHB: 0121 371 6497 / 6493 (internal: 16497 / 16493)

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