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Date: 22 January 2025

Time: 07:03

Personal radiation monitoring service

The RRPPS has been recognised as an approved dosimetry service by the HSE ever since the introduction of the Ionising Radiations Regulations in 1985, with our experience in personal monitoring dating back to 1949.

The service has a history of performing well in dosimetry intercomparisons and performance testing at national and international level and is continually evolving to keep in line with new legal requirements, new dose quantities and improved technology. RRPPS continues to meet the requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017.

RRPPS currently issues to about 10,000 radiation workers nationwide and is the largest approved dosimetry service in the NHS

RRPPS has now been approved by the HSE to apply a correction factor to eye doses measured by dosemeters worn in diagnostic or interventional radiology

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) approval for dose assessment

RRPPS monitor about 10,000 workers across the UK and Ireland. The whole body dosimetry service operates a thermoluminescent system manufactured by Panasonic. Dosemeters have a colour coded label with the wearer’s name, wear period and are bar coded.

The HSE has approved  RRPPS for the measurement and assessment of doses to the whole body arising from external x-ray and/or gamma radiation in the energy range 15 keV to 7 MeV, and/or external beta radiation from beta particle emissions of maximum spectral energy in the range 0.74 MeV to 4.5 MeV.

The service has 2 Panasonic UD-7900 TLD Reader’s each holding up to 500 dosemeters. Dose assessment is carried out daily on two readers with dose reporting done in weekly batches.

We also provide a thermoluminescent dosemeter service that can be used to measure doses to the hands, feet and eyes from x and gamma radiation.

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HSE approval for co-ordination and record keeping

The HSE has approved RRPPS for the co-ordination of dose assessments for each individual for whom dose records are maintained. This approval includes the making and maintenance of dose records from information supplied by other approved dosimetry services, the keeping of dose records and the provision of copies, suitable summaries and extracts of dose information as required.

Records are kept for all wearers (non-classified or classified) electronically. Any dose record from previous years and/or other approved dosimetry services can be entered on to the database when necessary. The details contained in the dose record comply with the HSE requirements ("RADS - part 3").

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Database for dose records and analysis

Dose reports produced after each monitoring period list, measured doses against named individuals and include any comments on the use of the dosemeter. Information is also provided on overdue, lost or damaged dosemeters etc.

In addition to the regular reports of routine dose assessments, a departmental summary is issued at least once a year. Also, the computerised records system will produce a "Personal Dose History" which contains the cumulative lifetime doses. Detailed dose data for the current year or previous years can also be produced as a full "Statutory Dose Record" or (especially for non-classified staff) in the more concise format of the "Personal Dose Summary".

The database contains records for over 91,000 people, accumulated since 1974 when RRPPS became fully computerised. As many of these people move around the country, a search can be carried out whenever anyone joins the system in order to establish if their past record is already held.

The data has been used by the Public Health England (previously HPA and NRPB) for general reviews of UK exposures and by the Imperial Cancer Research Fund for epidemiological studies of particular exposed groups.

The computer system has been designed to maintain all dose records to a high standard well into the future and to meet all the requirements of the HSE. A particular feature is the ability to analyse data relating to individual groups of NHS staff according to their type of work.

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Get online

RRPPS now offers an online service where customers can access their own dose summary records, request spare dosemeters and amend current wearer details - plus many other features. You can make use of this service by emailing and we will provide you with access instructions & passwords.

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Administrative and technical support

Customers receive the benefit of a helpful and courteous response to all queries, whether on the interpretation of a dose assessment or on the administrative details relating to a particular person or a department. All of which are dealt with from a single base, and five direct telephone lines ensure a speedy response.

Dosemeters can be dispatched to any number of separate departments to ease the burden of distribution and reports are sent to a named person, with - if required - a duplicate copy to the Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA).

To assist RPAs and Radiation Protection Supervisors, the database automatically flags wearers who exceed various action levels and a letter will be produced and sent to the relevant person.

For classified persons the full requirements of the Central Index of Dose Information (CIDI) are met and all the mandatory procedures and documentation are complied with, including registration, statutory dose records, annual returns, termination records etc.

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Contact us

For further information, please contact:

Maria Dixon
63 Melchett Road
Kings Norton Business Centre
Birmingham, B30 3HP
Telephone: 0121 371 7000







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