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Date: 14 March 2025

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Best in Care Awards

Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2012

Behind the Scenes Award

  • Michelle Day
    "What a difference one person has made - I wish I could clone her!" (Lyn Newton)
  • Patient Transport
    "As well as getting us to the hospital, the staff are always so friendly and positive." (Jackie Behan)
  • Robert Hawkesford [winner]
    "Robert ensures that patients do not stop being cared for even after death." (Rachel Brown)

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Best in Care Clinical Award

  • Dan Abayon [winner]
    "Not only is he clinically excellent; he is outstandingly kind to patients and has a highly professional attitude." (Toni Jenkins)
  • Liam Blaney
    "I feel lucky to have such an understanding and highly skilled consultant looking after me." (Jacqueline Barratt)
  • Sandeep Nagra
    "Every single bone marrow transplant patient we have ever met has told us about how wonderful she is." (Staff of Ward 625)

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Best in Care Non-clinical Award

  • Anne Iles
    "Her follow-up skills with every task given to her are commendable." (Umesh Salanke)
  • Irene Lightfoot
    "Irene has always been assertive, friendly, fantastic at her job and put a smile on the face of many." (April Perks)
  • Suraiya Khan [winner]
    "Her heart of gold yet nerves of steel provide the perfect harmony for such a tough reception role." (Lucy Finnegan)

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Brighter Futures Award

  • Antony Cobley [winner]
    "Antony has put a huge amount of personal effort into improving the health and well-being of staff." (Fiona Glebioska)
  • Sarah Carmalt
    "She has enthused many staff to take an active role in recycling." (Julie Cox)
  • Joanne Partridge
    "Joanne is a highly enthusiastic and flexible worker who always strives to achieve the best." (Ellie-Jane Picard)

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Chairman's Award for Employee of the Year

  • Jamilla Kausar [winner]
    "She has made the last 12 years bearable. Jamilla has given my husband his quality of life back." (Rosemarie Smith)
  • Carol Dodd
    "She epitomises the Trust’s value of honesty in her work...she is an unsung hero." (Steve Cumley)
  • Carol McNeill
    "She works tirelessly to help all those around her and always goes beyond the call of duty." (Cynthia Barnes)

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Chief Executive's Innovation in Practice Award

  • Umesh Salanke [winner]
    "His course is the first of its kind in the region, probably the first of its kind in the UK." (Dr H Shahzad)
  • Phil Walshe and Sue Atkins
    "Both contributed significantly to ‘Make Specialling Special’ which has made a real difference to patients" (Margaret Harries)
  • Endoscopy/Bowel Screening
    "Endoscopy and decontamination have triumphed in two peer reviews." (Fiona Thomas and R P Walt)

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Dignity in Care Award

  • Urmila Tandon [winner]
    "She is an inspiration to all staff trained and untrained who work with the older adult." (Fiona Kelliher)
  • Nurses on Critical Care B
    "All the thank yous in the world are not enough … they are, in one word, amazing!" (Kim Bakewell)
  • Zahra Ali
    "Zahra is keen to ensure that vulnerable patients in theatre receive the best in care" (Margaret Harries)

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Governors' Award for Best in Care

  • Wendy Mills
    "Wendy is an integral part of the Burns team and an excellent role model to all." (Sue Sharp)
  • Ward 516
    "The care I received during my three and a half weeks as an inpatient was truly outstanding." (Maldwyn Jones)
  • Sophie Naylor [winner]
    "She went that extra mile to help us when we felt we were banging our heads against the wall." (Colin Osborne)

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Infection Prevention and Control Award

  • Angela Jenkins and Sharon Rose [winner]
    "Sharon and Angela ensure the cleanliness of Ward 301 is the best a ward can receive." (Liz Simpson)
  • Clinical Decision Unit
    "CDU have undertaken a journey which has demonstrated improvements in infection prevention and control." (Clair Phillips)
  • Joanne Thompson
    "Jo regularly went beyond the call of duty and the result of her hard work is palpable today." (Craig Bradley)

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Member of the Year Award

  • Paramjit Kang [winner]
    "If I was ill, I would wish for Pam to be my carer." (Liz Simpson)
  • Hazel Froggatt
    "Hazel is selfless and I am very blessed. She helps me to keep going now life is very difficult." (Barry Froggatt)
  • Julia Liddle
    "Julia is one of the most delightful, thoughtful, warm and enthusiastic volunteers – quite exceptional." (Tracey Martin)

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Patricia Taylor Award for Excellence in Service

  • Glen Jarvis
    "Always goes the extra mile to ensure all his work is done to a very high standard." (Clair Powell)
  • Karen Evans
    "She has always gone the extra mile to make the patient’s journey a pleasurable one." (Roberta Batchelor)
  • Beverley Southall and Ram Chatha [winner]
    "Their kindness and care carried us during some of the darkest moments – we will never forget them." (Natalija Djukic)

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Team of the Year Award

  • Cardiology [winner]
    "No matter the age or colour, we were all treated with the most kindness and respect." (Irene McCallum)
  • Emergency Department
    "Time is key and the team does an excellent job in caring efficiently." (Thomas Cheri)
  • Ophthalmology
    "They go out of their way to help patients and other disciplines." (Sutej Sivia)

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The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity's Charity Supporter of the Year Award

  • QEHB Charity Volunteers
    "They have become an invaluable part of our charity team … always happy and cheerful." (Maryanne Meredith)
  • Darren Taylor [winner]
    "He is always prepared to help us in any way he can." (Anne Waller)
  • Garth Cruickshank
    "Nothing is too much trouble for him and he makes everyone feel special for raising funds." (Mike Hammond)

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Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Endoscopy Volunteers – Peggy Coverson, Lorraine Ingold and Sheila Garlick [winner]
    "They make the all-important cuppa for our patients – we’d be lost without them!"
  • Jean Wood, Mo Mohammed, Ese Yawa Asiama
    "Truly dedicated! We are eternally grateful to them." (Clinical Photography Team)
  • Henry Clare
    "Henry comes onto the ward full of smiles, jokes and ready to support the patients." (Liz Simpson)

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Outstanding Achievement Award

The Outstanding Achievement Award was awarded to the A&E department.

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All other nominees

  • Ambulatory Care
    "They were all excellent."’ (Raymond Brown)
  • Angela Barbour
    "She works tirelessly to ensure the ward and staff are practising to the highest possible level." (Samantha Singh)
  • Angela Gilkes
    "Nothing was too much trouble for her; she was lovely and made you feel welcome at a very difficult time." (Sian Whitaker)
  • Ann Penny
    "She shows enormous dedication to her work and has helped many thousands of patients." (Huw Cooper)
  • Anne Cox
    "She’s passionate about her work, ensuring that patients are treated in the most effective way." (Davina Thomas)
  • Anne Hughes
    "Anne always goes above and beyond the call of duty, and is the most hardworking individual I’ve met." (Karnjit Johal)
  • Barry Boland
    "He has been an outstanding educational supervisor and invested his own time towards training above and beyond normal expectations." (Emma Jenkinson)
  • Booking Centre team
    "Hard working, diligent and supportive is how you may describe the Booking Centre." (Lyndsey Potter)
  • Bozena Lukasik
    "She always displays a keenness to learn… far above what is expected of her." (Ian Wilson)
  • Carmel Dorricott
    "Is willing to lend a hand with an unflappable manner and a smile on her face." (Eve Sutton)
  • Carmel Maguire
    "Her encouragement, warmth and care makes me always look forward to my weekly visits." (Peter Kamara)
  • Carol Downing
    "She works very hard, often over and beyond her normal hours of work." (Hannah Bryant)
  • Cathy Martin
    "Cathy always puts the patient first and the needs of others above her own." (David Smith)
  • Cellar Restaurant Catering team
    "They are real unsung heroes within the hospital community." (Maryanne Meredith)
  • Cheryl Posadas
    "Cheryl is a very hard worker and always gives the best care to the patient." (Louise Murphy)
  • Claire Goddard
    "She changes lives and makes the worst possible scenario somehow more bearable." (Will Garratt)
  • Clare Muchetu
    "Clare was always attentive and caring, with maximum attention to detail." (John M Stone)
  • Col Andrew West and the Imaging team
    "Col West and his team are an outstanding example of what delivering the best in care is all about" (Phillipa Bridgeman)
  • Colin Dawson
    He was a pleasure during my stay in hospital, always smiling and being cheerful." (Janet Bibbings)
  • Colorectal nurses
    "Every day, they go above and beyond and you definitely feel at the centre of their care." (Jacqueline Gould)
  • Coronary Care Unit
    "The care and attention to patients and visitors is second to none." (Sheila Smith)
  • Dawn McKenna
    "Always involved – she is an asset to the Trust." (Beverley Hook)
  • Debbie Skillett
    "Cardiac advanced life support would not have got off the ground without her." (Kate Graystone)
  • Debby Edwards
    "Debby works tirelessly … she really is an inspiration in clinical leadership" (Patsy Clifton)
  • Declan Costello and his ENT team
    "I am grateful for the individual attention and interest taken in my welfare." (Stephen Rout)
  • Deepa Bose
    "Her care and friendly manner along with her surgical skills have given me my life back." (Michael Hartley)
  • Desmond McGuire
    "He was there to walk me to theatre, which he did, on his day off." (Angela Coulson)
  • Division D professional development nurses
    "They ensure staff are equipped to do their jobs and patients receive a safe, high quality service." (Elaine Wylde)
  • Donna Ward
    "Donna is one of the kindest nurses and always does what is best for the ward." (Terri Herbert)
  • Eilene Galang
    "Very hard working and supportive – she is diligent and works from her heart." (Fadi Salaam)
  • Emma Finlay
    "Her hard work and dedication was the glue that kept our team together." (Ashley Nash)
  • Emma Welch
    "She ensures excellent communication and inspires professionalism in all staff on the ward." (Karan Goswami)
  • Faith and Community Centre
    "I felt a reassurance and sense of empathy, both of which added a real depth to my holistic care." (Reverend Jayne Adams)
  • Fay Prince
    "She is caring very professional to both her patients and their relatives." (Suzanne Griffin)
  • Gemma Botterill
    "Words are not enough to explain how wonderful this nurse is." (Peter Kamara)
  • Georgina Embley
    "Georgina is an outstanding member of Ward 407. Her motivation and enthusiasm are contagious!" (Davina Thomas)
  • Glynn Peers
    "He always puts the service and the patient first." (Sharon Walker)
  • Grace Howell
    "Grace went out of her way to ensure I had the right nursing care." (Jack Wilcox)
  • Gwen Cooper
    "Developed ‘Food for Thought’ bringing patients together over meal times to encourage nutritional intake." (Nikki Folland)
  • Hands department
    "The team are very innovative, and are passionate about delivering the best in care for their patients." (Leanne Black)
  • Hayara Mohammad Jan
    "I think her professionalism, personality and obvious love of her job really do make a difference." (Liz McAlister)
  • Health Advisers team
    "This team works endlessly … they come in on days off and support all their patients." (Deborah Goddard)
  • Heart/Lung Transplant team
    "It has put my faith back into the NHS that staff of this quality are employed." (Jo Goodchild)
  • Ian C Wilson
    "Mr Wilson provided the utmost dedication and care to my mother." (Michelle Shenton)
  • Imad Soryal and Nicole Toghill
    "They display the most astonishing level of personal care and attention for their patients." (Andrea McGill)
  • Information desk porters
    "The hospital would not function without their dedication and hard work." (Maddy Madigan)
  • IT Service Desk team
    "Their work is vital in helping clinical teams to deliver excellent care to patients." (Tracey Martin)
  • Jackie Griffiths
    "Consistently works over and above expectation, always prepared to go the extra mile." (Catherine Elliott)
  • Jacquie Hall
    "She went out of her way … patient dignity is very important to her." (Amanda Smith)
  • Jeanette Douglas
    "Jeanette is dedicated to CDU, constantly striving to make a difference." (Laura Chambers)
  • Jemma Pooler
    "An inspiration and a true role model, always striving to give the best care possible." (Rosemary Stewart)
  • Jim Fortaleza
    "Patients look forward to his visits, often asking me when he is in next." (Darren Pratley)
  • Jo Thorpe
    "In my opinion, the ‘perfect physio’ – they should all be like her." (Helen Pryce)
  • Joanna Swan
    "She has inspired and supported her team, which has impacted positively on patient outcomes." (Carolyn Pitt)
  • Joanne Plumb
    "She is an advocate for innovation – her main priority is always the patient." (Helen Hunt)
  • Jodie Hunt
    "She has made a positive impact to thousands of patients with breathing disorders." (Shyam Madathil)
  • John Watkinson
    "Knowledgeable, polite, caring … simply the ‘Lionel Messi’ of medical care." (Paul Darby)
  • Julia Jones
    "Julia takes efficiency to a whole new level. Always friendly; always professional." (Matt Fowler)
  • Julia Sawkings
    "Jules did a brilliant job in getting my fitness back." (John Orchard)
  • Julia Sawking’s Physiotherapy team
    "Such care and patience from the staff does a great job in healing people." (Suchma Malhi)
  • Karen Cheshire
    "She is hardworking, loyal and trustworthy, and gives outstanding care." (Matthew Parker)
  • Karen Evans
    "She has always gone the extra mile to make the patients’ journey a pleasurable one." (Roberta Batchelor)
  • Karen Healy
    "I can say, in all honesty, that we would never have got through last year without her!" (Helen Pryce)
  • Karen Lindley
    "Karen’s determination to improve and develop our balance (therapy) work has been key to its success." (Huw Cooper)
  • Karen Sturge
    "She remembered my name after not seeing me for over two years. I was most impressed by this." (Anne Draisey)
  • Karl McIlwaine
    "Karl ‘The Welcomer’ was wonderful – thank you so much." (Raga Abdi)
  • Kate Gee
    "Kate provided an innovative and fun solution called ‘Strictly Not Rehab’." (Margaret Harries)
  • Kate Rogers
    "Always attentive and chatty, she’s friendly yet efficient in ensuring treatment and care." (John M Stone)
  • Kathryn Robinson
    "Excellent team worker – going the extra mile for the patients." (Carmen Rasanu)
  • The Kay Kendal Haematology Outreach team
    "This is a successful new service which has improved the patient pathway." (Shirley Aston)
  • Khalid Baloch
    "Dr Baloch saved my leg – eternally grateful." (Anthony R McIlwain)
  • Kirstie Owens
    "Through sheer hard work and dedication, she ensured the department achieved its accreditation." (Teresa McIntosh)
  • Lin Clarke
    "She epitomises the best in clinical standards and is constantly trying to innovate." (Paul Bird)
  • Linda Johnson
    "Treatment’s more like a visit to a tried and trusted friend – I can’t thank her enough." (Sue Burdett)
  • Linda Sturmey
    "Since Linda became housekeeper to Ward 514, she has made herself impossible to do without!" (Lisa Haydon)
  • Linda Williams
    "Many of my colleagues are tremendously grateful to Linda for her dedication and hard work." (Sarah Day)
  • Lorraine Ingold
    "She’s always willing to go the extra mile – we’d be lost without her!" (Sally Weston)
  • Mairead Clune
    "She is so kind and patient, explains everything and is very caring." (Maria Aure Da Silva)
  • Margaret Brant
    "Feedback we receive from patients often mentions Margaret as giving outstanding care." (Jack Richards)
  • Maria Rogers
    "Maria really does deliver the highest standard of care and is a superb role model." (Tracey Martin)
  • Maria Round and Liver Outpatients
    "They’ve held raffles, tombolas and bucket collections and have taken part in fun runs to raise money." (Anne Waller)
  • Marje Shirley
    "For excellent care, exceptional kindness and efficiency, and for being lovely, bubbly and kind." (Fran Fletcher)
  • Martin Coogan
    "He is always polite, very hardworking and conscientious." (Simon Sharpe)
  • Mary McMaster
    "Mary is an excellent mentor … she is the type of nurse I aspire to be." (Charlotte Rideout)
  • Matthew Groombridge
    "Matthew made me feel very dignified throughout my stay." (Harjinder Kaur)
  • Merrily Ebanks
    "I’ve always known how good she is at her job – it is a pleasure working with her." (Louise Bailey)
  • Michael Berry
    "For his innovative treatment of acutely ill CDU patients, significantly improving patient experience and quality of care." (Mohammed Akber)
  • Michelle Astley
    "Michelle goes above and beyond to make patients feel loved and cared for." (Abdul Rahim-Ali)
  • Michelle Dandy
    "Michelle always has time to listen to the patients." (Monica Dignan)
  • Michelle Duggins
    "She never forgets there is a patient behind all the admin and organisation in her job." (Toni Jenkins)
  • Mohammed Akhtar
    "So far he has raised in excess of £5,300 which is an amazing effort." (Maryanne Meredith)
  • Mohammed Nazir
    "We continually receive praise for him … not only of his hard work but his personality." (Simon Sharpe)
  • Molecular Pathology team
    "The entire team is committed and go ‘above and beyond’ what is expected of them." (Susan Sharpe)
  • MRI Bookings and Scanners team
    "I continue to be astonished at their ability to move mountains and their 'can do' culture." (Andrew Filer)
  • Nelson Lumacad and Alan Lobusta
    "We could never have got through this emotional rollercoaster without them." (Yasmeen Kauser)
  • Nikki Folland
    "She is a tremendous teacher and shares her skills with the nursing staff." (Mary McMaster)
  • Oncology/Haematology Physiotherapy team
    "They provide a dynamic and exciting physio service for the young people we work with." (Sarah Turley)
  • Pamela Page
    "Pam is the hardest working and most thorough cleaner I have ever met." (Kelly Hollier)
  • Pankaj Das
    "Pankaj is a fantastic team player with a brilliant eye for innovation." (David Riddington)
  • Pauline Hibell
    "Because she is kind and caring – a good personality." (Maria Da Silva)
  • Peter Gan and his team
    "I should not have recovered after the aneurism and brain bleed, but I did with their help and treatment." (Mark Watson)
  • Phil Wakeley
    "He is always helpful and willing, never complaining and always going the extra mile." (Medical Illustration)
  • Philip White and Steve Jones
    "Attentive, efficient, friendly and encouraging." (John M Stone)
  • Garth Cruickshank
    "He treated me so well before my operation – I could not have asked for better." (Anne Dunn)
  • Rachel Burton and the Learning Hub team
    "Over the past 9 months INSPIRED has supported 160 patients back into work!" (Elizabeth Rankin)
  • Ram Malladi
    "Ram Malladi – a doctor in a million! And a gentleman too, who always has a smile!" (Anita Lewis)
  • Reception team, Outpatients Area 4
  • "QEHB should be proud to have them as a ‘front-line face’." (Ruth Jones)
  • Resuscitation team
    "I feel confident knowing that should any patient require resuscitation the team will be there." (Rebecca Ladley)
  • Richard Gledhill
    "He went more than the extra
    mile – Richard went out of his way to help my husband." (Diana and Eric)
  • Rita Jones
    "Nothing is too much trouble and she takes real pride in her work." (Don Sims)
  • Robyn Kemp
    "Robyn has been lovely, kind and very caring." (TB Mutton)
  • Ronan Treacey
    "I received splendid treatment and advice prior to the operation. He was splendid." (Andrew Brooker Carey)
  • Rosalind Mitchell and her neurology team
    "This team are champions – without their care and true compassion my life would be very much poorer." (Janet Smart)
  • Rosalyn Cooke
    "Ros gave consistently outstanding service for several months." (Jacki Duff)
  • Roy Taylor
    "He was charming, considerate and astoundingly efficient." (Anwar Shah)
  • Royal Centre for Defence Medicine
    "The staff in RCDM are amazing supporters of the QEHB Charity team." (Maryanne Meredith)
  • Sajjad Rajpar
    "For excellent care, exceptional kindness and efficiency, and being lovely, bubbly and kind." (Fran Fletcher)
  • Sandra Rollins
    "She is an excellent cleaner and even painted the doctors’ rooms one weekend." (Matthew Payne)
  • Sandra Styler
    "She always goes the extra mile to ensure everyone in the team is happy." (Sue Moorfield)
  • Sanjeet Agrawal
    "He put me at ease and provided excellent service to me that I will not forget." (Shiraz Hussain)
  • Sara Bardell
    "She always gives me that extra time and care when looking after me." (Peter Kamara)
  • Sarah Davis
    "Sarah is a great example of a manager and is a good role model for others." (Tina Wall)
  • Sarah Wilson
    "She puts 100% into everything she does and always puts the patient first." (Caroline Miller)
  • Sharon Horley
    "She works very hard often to ensure that administration runs smoothly for our services." (Hannah Bryant)
  • Shipla Shah
    "Is an outstanding doctor … makes you feel like you are the most important patient in the whole hospital." (Terry Pendry)
  • Simon Bach and his colorectal surgery team
    "I am now fully recovered and am full of gratitude to him and his team." (Jospehine Jones)
  • Simon Radley
    "Simon Radley is extremely empathic, efficient, kind and clearly highly skilled in communication." (Jane Helen Rochfort)
  • Sophie Castleman
    "Whenever I am an inpatient she makes me feel as if I am home with my family." (Peter Kamara)
  • Stacey Gamble
    "Her patient care went above and beyond what was required." (Megan Burgess)
  • Stephen Groves and Ward 513 team
    "Their approach to infection prevention and control has been exemplary." (Clair Phillips)
  • Stuart Green
    "He is doing a 100-mile bike ride from London to Birmingham to raise funds for the QE Cancer Appeal." (Maryanne Meredith)
  • Suzanne Robinson
    "She is the type of individual that does everything to please the patients." (Andrea Davis)
  • Taslim Kosar
    "She goes the extra mile and has inspired me to carry myself in the same way." (Laura Fage)
  • Terry Anderton
    "She’s a friend to everyone that works here, dedicated and always dependable." (Gill Royston)
  • The Critical Care team
    "I was comforted by the gold standard of one-to-one care John received." (Bevelie Shember)
  • The Division D Audit team
    "The team have a tremendous record in finishing what they start and implementing high quality change." (Nicholas White)
  • The Division D matrons
    "They always make tough decisions with honesty and in a really good-natured way." (Nicholas White)
  • The Interventional Radiology Nursing team
    "I commend them on their continued hard work and dedication to their role." (Jan Vallance)
  • The Maxillofacial team
    "They didn’t just give me new ears; they gave me confidence to tackle life head on." (Joshua Bull)
  • The Patrick Room volunteers
    "The volunteers are very dedicated to their role" (Paul Litchfield)
  • The Specialist Skin Cancer Multi-disciplinary team
    "The team regularly introduce new surgical techniques and cancer treatments." (Nicholas White)
  • Thomas Dempsey
    "He has outstanding leadership skills and is an unfailing support to his team." (Nicola Cullen)
  • Tiffany Noble
    "Always there ready to put the patients’ minds at ease when problems arise." (Christine Gough)
  • Timothy Martin
    "Staff of his calibre are an asset to the hospital – I am truly grateful for everything." (Terry Pendry)
  • Timothy Wong
    "Tim’s bedside manner is exceptional – calm, reassuring and the ultimate professional." (Toby Smith)
  • Tina Spencer-Rouen
    "She goes that extra mile to ensure your stay is as happy as it can be." (Michael Reeves)
  • Tissue Viability Nursing team
    "They have displayed courage, determination and tenacity during the team transition." (Carolyn Pitt)
  • Tom Gaffey
    "What was a very frightening time was made easier with Tom’s help and support." (Kathryn Cooper)
  • Tracy Chapman
    "The care she provides is reflected through patients' and staff’s positive feedback." (Rajbinder Kaur)
  • Trauma and Orthopaedics Pre-admission Screening
    "Very efficient manner, professional but friendly. Their communication skills are the best!" (Anne Marie Avian)
  • Troy Barker
    "Troy is a fantastic porter who always stops for people and always helps whenever he can." (Louise Bailey)
  • Urology staff – Ward 624
    "They build strong relationships with each other, patients and relatives." (Emma Toman)
  • Vijay Dabhi of Health Informatics and his team
    "Vijay has worked with me to develop my thoughts into tools that have had real benefits for patients." (Mercia Spare)
  • Ward 302
    "The whole team gave my dad the most wonderful care and kindness during his stay." (Natalija Djukic)
  • Ward 408
    "I want to thank the whole team for the excellent care I received." (Mrs Jamieson)
  • Ward 410 housekeeping assistants
    "They take great pride in the cleanliness of the ward – a true inspiration." (Lisa Miruszenko)
  • Ward 412
    "They are an incredible team of outstanding, dedicated, professional and above all caring staff." (Claire Thompson)
  • Ward 412 Housekeeping team
    "They go that extra bit and are an asset to this Trust." (Simon Sharpe)
  • Ward 513
    "The team deliver exceptional care to patients, staff and relatives." (Rupa Joshi)
  • Ward 514
    "They have demonstrated a positive impact on patient well-being, improving care quality outcomes." (Phil Walshe)
  • Ward 518
    "Their unending support for my family kept me going at a very emotional time." (Liz Darlow)
  • Ward 624
    "They represent everything that is great about the NHS." (Teresa McIntosh)
  • Ward 625
    "Hospital stays are not the nicest thing but Ward 625 made my stay very bearable." (Mrs Joan Brough)
  • Young Persons Unit
    "The way they care for the younger patient is truly amazing!" (Emma Harris)
  • Zahr Saed and Adele Lewis
    "They go above and beyond their duty … we are very lucky to have them." (Sharon Maguire)

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