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Date: 13 March 2025

Time: 17:01

Unplanned re-attendance at A&E

What does this indicator mean?

This indicator looks at the percentage of patients who have an unplanned re-attendance at A&E within 7 days of their original A&E attendance. This includes patients who may be referred back to A&E by another health professional. The purpose of this indicator is to reduce avoidable re-attendances at A&E by improving the care and communication delivered during the first attendance.

What is good performance?

Good practice would be for trusts to have an unplanned re-attendance rate of less than 5%.

How is UHB performing?

In May 2015 UHB had an unplanned re-attendance rate of 6.57%. The latest available national performance data for February 2015 shows that 7.34% of patients re-attended within 7 days of their original A&E attendance.

Graph: A&E clinical quality indicator: uplanned re-attendance at A&E

What is UHB doing to improve performance?

The Emergency Department is reviewing the quality of the advice given to all patients on discharge. The number and quality of advice cards is being improved to ensure all patients are provided with consistent advice and reassurance about what to expect when they leave the department. This includes advice about where to go to should their condition not improve as expected which may be to their GP, local Walk-in Centre or A&E for example.

The Emergency Department is also expanding the use of the A&E Review Clinic to ensure that it is accessible to all appropriate patients who are likely to require planned review. The care given to those patients who re-attend very frequently in a short space of time or repeatedly over a longer period has been reviewed by the A&E Consultants in liaison with their GPs. This is to ensure they receive care in the most appropriate setting.

UHB data quality

Trusts are expected to have less than 5% of patients with missing data. UHB had no missing data associated with this indicator.

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