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Date: 14 March 2025

Time: 07:36

Instructions for club medical teams

Contact the Birmingham Sport Concussion Clinic (BSCC) at any time after the injury by emailing Liz Hall.


Steps to follow

  • Request a referral pro-forma by email from Liz Hall
  • Return the completed pro-forma via email or bring it to the clinic
  • You will receive directions and attendance instructions
  • Follow the RFU or FA guidance on concussion management and graduated return to play until the player is reviewed (see 'Links' section below)
  • GPs may also find the 'Headway GPs' link useful
  • Collect all HIAs, SCAT3 and COGSPORT or ImPACT if used
  • If available, collect video footage of the injury
  • The MRI scan will be arrangedbyBSCC either at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) or nearby facility if necessary, but feel free to use your preferred provider if more convenient, as long as they can perform an adequate scan with the following protocols:
    • Brain sequences required (ideally on 3T scanner):
      • Mandatory – 3D T1, 2D T2, 3D FLAIR, DWI and SWI
      • Optional – DTI, MRS and resting state fMRI
    • MRI Cervical Spine – T2, T1 and STIR sag and T2 and T1 axial; 4mm slices with 0.4 mm gap

On the day of the clinic

  • Please make sure that a member of the medical team is available to accompany the player, although please note that part of the consultation will be with the player on their own
  • Bring the concussion assessments (HIAs, SCAT3, COGSPORT, etc.) and any video footage to the clinic. If the MRI scan has been carried out by your own provider, please bring the CD to clinic
  • The consultation will be held in the Institute of Translational Medicine (ITM) at the Heritage Building (Queen Elizabeth Hospital). Please see the 'How to fins us and your way around' page for maps, floor plans and travel details – this will also be provided by letter or email
  • A verbal report and a consultation outcome form will be given to the player and the team at the end of the consultation. A formal clinic letter will follow within 72 hours
  • Any further tests, treatment and follow-up will be discussed with the player and the team

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