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Date: 9 March 2025
Time: 15:07
Home treatment and delivery providers
Patients who require regular treatment can be taught to self-administer factor concentrate at home.
If you do not currently self-treat and would like information about this, please speak to a member of the team who will be more than happy to discuss this with you.
How home treatment and delivery works
You can request a home delivery service where the factor is delivered directly to your home in an unmarked vehicle to maintain your confidentiality. This can be time saving and more convenient than attending the hospital to collect treatment, however if you would like to collect your treatment from pharmacy here at the hospital, please call the haemophilia team with advance notice to allow us to get your prescription ready in good time, as the pharmacy will need to order in your treatment.
Any ancillaries required such as sharps bin, syringes etc. should be collected from the haemophilia unit. We request a minimum of 48 hours’ notice for the request of any prescription which should be made to the haemophilia team.
It is part of the contractual agreement that patients who have home treatment must keep a record of treatment, preferable via the online home record keeping system "Haemtrack" (see the link below). Please ask the team for advice about this service.
Patients who are unable to access a computer must keep a paper record of treatment, which needs to be taken to your routine follow-up appointments.
Part of the home treatment agreement is that patients must attend their booked routine appointments, and you will need to sign an agreement to accept these conditions.
If you need to enquire about current prescription waiting times, please contact the pharmacy department:
Tel: 0121 371 5479
Home delivery providers
Healthcare at Home
Tel: 0333 103 9831
Tel: 0800 193 2027
Prescriptions for medication and clotting factors can be collected from the main pharmacy in the QEHB atrium. Please note that one weeks' notice is required for clotting factors, as the pharmacy has to order these in.
For pharmacy opening times, please see the "How to find us" link below.