Your views
Your feedback is vital to us as we continue to increase the quality of our services.
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Date: 19 January 2025
Time: 09:17
Patient experience feedback
The Trust collects feedback from patient surveys via bedside televisions or on hand held devices. The responses are uploaded onto the ward computer dashboard every 12 hours, providing staff with real time feedback.
Survey results are discussed by the Quality Care Group and actions are agreed to make improvements. The care quality group consists of the Executive Chief Nurse and patient and public governors.
Weekly survey reports, both positive and negative are sent to senior nursing staff to alert them to patient responses so that action can be taken where necessary. Wards with excellent responses are congratulated and best practice is shared
This system has enabled the Trust to focus on areas of patient concern. Key improvements from feedback have included:
- enhancements to help patients rest and sleep
- increased help for patients at mealtimes
- increased visiting times
- the addition of fruit and herbal teas to the drinks available for patients.
Food services have also been reviewed and the Trust Catering department is currently taking steps to improve the halal and kosher meal options and introduce an Afro-Caribbean menu.
Monthly Trust-level feedback from patient survey questions is available below.
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