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Date: 9 March 2025

Time: 15:22

Patients who receive beta blockers on the day of the operation indicator

Percentage of patients who received beta blockers on the day of their operation

How is the Trust doing?

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Rolling year to date (February 2019 – January 2020) 93.9%
Rolling 3 years (February 2017 – January 2020) 94.1%

Higher percentage indicates better performance.

The percentage of first-time, isolated CABG patients on beta blockers who are given them on the day of operation continues to increase. The Cardiac Surgery Team are working hard to further improve performance for this indicator by focusing on ensuring all eligible patients receive beta blockers on the day of operation.

Why is this indicator important?

It has been shown that first-time, isolated CABG patients who are already on beta blockers should receive them on the day of their operation (if clinically appropriate). This is to reduce the chance of complications during the operation and post-operative heart attack. It can also prolong patients' life expectancy following surgery.

The aim is for all eligible patients (patients who are already on beta blockers) to receive them on the day of operation.

How do we measure this indicator?

Percentage of patients admitted for first-time, isolated CABG who were already on beta blockers and given them on the day of operation.

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