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Date: 9 March 2025

Time: 15:41

MRSA bacteraemia indicator

Percentage of patients who developed MRSA bacteraemia

How is the Trust doing?

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Rolling year to date (February 2019 – January 2020) 0.0%
Rolling 3 years (February 2017 – January 2020) 0.0%

Lower percentage indicates better performance.

There have been no cases of MRSA in this group of patients since the indicator began measuring in April 2009.

Why is this indicator important?

Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is part of a group of bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus and is resistant to common antibiotics. These bacteria are commonly carried on the skin and cause a number of infections. Some of these can be serious such as bloodstream infections (bacteraemia).

MRSA bacteraemia can increase patients' length of stay in hospital, the likelihood of complications and reduce the chances of a successful recovery.

All patients undergoing planned cardiac surgery are routinely screened for MRSA. They are then given treatment prior to surgery if necessary to reduce the risk of developing a bacteraemia.

How do we measure this indicator?

Patients admitted for first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft who test positive for MRSA bacteraemia at any time during their stay in hospital.

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