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Date: 9 March 2025

Time: 15:13

Post-operative stroke indicator

Percentage of patients who had a post-operative stroke

How is the Trust doing?

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Rolling year to date (February 2019 – January 2020) 0.8%
Rolling 3 years (February 2017 – January 2020) 0.6%

Lower percentage indicates better performance.

The UK national average for all cardiac surgery units for 2013-14 was 0.6% (data source: Central Cardiac Audit Database). All patients who have a post-operative stroke at UHB are reviewed by a member of the stroke team, and appropriate investigations are carried out where required.

Why is this indicator important?

Strokes are known to occur following first-time, isolated CABG surgery in around 1-3% of all patients which can increase overall length of stay and affect survival.

How do we measure this indicator?

Percentage of first-time, isolated CABG patients who had a post-operative stroke before discharge.

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