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Date: 9 March 2025

Time: 15:41

Hospital survival indicator

Percentage of patients who survived

How is the Trust doing?

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Rolling year to date (February 2019 – January 2020) 98.9%
Rolling 3 years (February 2017 – January 2020) 98.8%

Higher percentage indicates better performance.

The percentage of first-time, isolated CABG patients who survived until discharge is as expected based on the risk profile of the patients for all time periods.

The UK national average for all cardiac surgery units for 2013-14 was 98.5% (data source: Central Cardiac Audit Database).

Why is this indicator important?

Hospital survival is an overall indicator of the appropriateness and quality of both surgery and clinical care and should be monitored to ensure any significant increases in mortality (deaths) are investigated.

How do we measure this indicator?

The percentage of first-time, isolated CABG patients who survived until discharge from hospital. The Trust also monitors survival after discharge and the rate is as expected. The Trust's data has not been adjusted to take account of key factors such as differences in age, casemix and risk profile of patients which are known to affect mortality.

Further information on the Trust's survival rates for all isolated CABG operations compared with that expected is available on the Care Quality Commission website.

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