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Date: 21 December 2024
Time: 15:09
Meta Keywords starting with G
Apache gunship visits Selly Oak photo gallery
An Apache gunship helicopter made a flying visit to Selly Oak Hospital on Thursday 17 June 2010. See the photos here.
New hospital construction photo gallery
These photos chart the construction of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham between March 2007 and May 2010.
New hospital fire drill photo gallery
Photos from the fire drill at the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on 15 May 2010.
Photo galleries
Photos from the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, the old QE and Selly Oak Hospital.
Photos of Selly Oak Hospital
Gallery of photos from Selly Oak Hospital.
Staff transport with A&E move graphic photo gallery
These photos show the new staff "Merry go Round" mini buses with A&E move graphics.
Hospital physio joins Olympic team
Emma Batchelor is going for gold with the Great Britain women’s Olympic hockey team at the 2012 London Games.
About the Community Orchard and Gardens
Information on the Community Orchard and Gardens areas at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Community Orchard and Gardens
Information on the Community Orchard and Gardens at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Community Orchard and Gardens for business
Information for businesses on how to get involved with the Community Orchard and Gardens.
Community Orchard and Gardens for schools
Information for schools on how to get involved with the Community Orchard and Gardens.
Community Orchard and Gardens for volunteers
Details of how to get involved with the Community Orchard and Gardens as a volunteer.
Community Orchard and Gardens partners
Details of the partners involved with the Community Orchard and Gardens at the QE site.
Food and clothing bank
Information on the food and clothing bank and it's partnership with the Community Orchard and Gardens on the QE site.
Get involved with the Community Orchard and Gardens
Details of how schools, businesses and volunteers can get involved with the Community Orchard and Gardens on the QE site.
Metchley Roman Fort
Details of the Metchley Roman Fort on the QE site.
Nature Improvement Area – Wildflower Meadow
Details of the Nature Improvement Area on the QE site set to be transformed into a wildflower meadow.
Information about gastroenterology clinics and services within the Centre for Rare Diseases.
Gastroenterology quality indicator
Percentage of patients admitted with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ...
Intestinal failure
Information about intestinal failure, specialist nutrition and managing intestinal failure.
Learn about research undertaken by the Nutrition Support Team.
Gastrointestinal medicine
Information about the Gastrointestinal Medicine department at UHB.
Upper gastrointestinal services
Information about services provided at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust for patients with upper gastro intestinal coniditions.
Gastrointestinal Physiology
Gastrointestinal physiology
Information about the Gastrointestinal Physiology department at UHB.
Privacy notices [REDIRECTED]
Information on how we use and store data.
Gender pay gap
Gender pay gap
Gender pay gap information for the Trust for the 12 months to 31 March 2017.
Genito-urinary medicine
Sexual health
Information about the sexual health services provided by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Some of our HIV research trials
Some of the HIV research and development trials carried out at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
West Midlands Genomic Medicine Centre
Information on the West Midlands Genomic Medicine Centre based at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Geoff thomas
Photos from the Best in Care Awards 2010
Photos from the Best in Care Awards 2010.
Department of Healthcare for Older People
Information about the care of older people.
Eat, Drink, Dress, Move
Eat, Drink, Dress, Move campaign
Getting you home
Planning your discharge when treatment is complete
Our team
Our team for the care of older people
Our vision
Our vision for the care of older people
Work with us
Working with Older People at UHB
Getting here
How to find us and find your way around
Information about travelling to, staying at and getting around the hospital.
Gastrointestinal medicine
Information about the Gastrointestinal Medicine department at UHB.
Gastrointestinal physiology
Information about the Gastrointestinal Physiology department at UHB.
A&E glossary of terms
Glossary of terms used in the Accident and Emergency clinical quality indicators.
Good hope hospital
Care Quality Commission registration
The Care Quality Commission (formerly the Healthcare Commission) is the body responsible for assessing and reporting on the performance of NHS, independent healthcare and social care organisations.
Clinical governance
Clinical governance defines the way the NHS cares for its patients, ensuring maintenance of high standards. The Board of Directors and all members of staff have a part to play.
Clinical Governance Support Unit
The Clinical Governance Support Unit helps the Trust uphold its responsibilities in delivering the best in care.
Our strategic aims
UHB's eight strategic aims have been put in place to improve our care, our levels of innovation and our essential role in the community.
The main components of clinical governance
Clinical governance can be broken down into five main components.
5 September 2014
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), 5 September 2014.
Contact your governor
Information on how to contact the governors of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Council of Governors election notice
Election notice for the Council of Governors of University Hospitals Birmingham.
Council of Governors election notice
Election notice for the Council of Governors of University Hospitals Birmingham.
Council of Governors meeting papers
See papers from meetings of the Trust's Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors).
December 2008
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors) held on 5 December 2008.
December 2009
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), December 2009.
December 2010
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors) held on 9 December 2010.
December 2011
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), December 2011.
February 2013
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), February 2013.
February 2014
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), February 2014.
February 2015
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), February 2015.
February 2016
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), February 2016.
February 2017
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), February 2017.
Information for and about the Council of Governors at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
How to get involved
At the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, along with ...
July 2012
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), July 2012.
July 2013
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), July 2013.
July 2014
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), July 2014.
July 2015
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), 20 July 2015.
July 2016
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), 22 July 2016.
June 2008
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), June 2008.
June 2009
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), June 2009.
June 2010
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), June 2010.
June 2011
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors) held on 17 June 2011.
March 2008
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors) held on 18 March 2008.
March 2009
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), March 2009.
March 2010
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), March 2010.
March 2011
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors) held on 15 March 2011.
May 2012
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), May 2012.
May 2013
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), May 2013.
May 2014
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), May 2014.
May 2015
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), 12 May 2015.
May 2016
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), 9 May 2016.
Meet your public governors
Public Governors are elected to represent 10 constituencies, with ...
Meet your staff governors
Profiles of current governors for the staff constituency at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Meet your stakeholder governors
In addition to those governors elected by the public, ...
Meetings held in public
Information and dates for meetings of the Board of Directors and Council of Governors held in public and the AGM.
Notice of election
Election notice for the Council of Governors of University Hospitals Birmingham.
November 2013
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), November 2013.
November 2014
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), 22 November 2014.
November 2015
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), November 2015.
November 2016
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), November 2016.
September 2008
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2008.
September 2009
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2009.
September 2010
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2010.
September 2011
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors) held on 19 September 2011.
September 2012
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2012.
September 2013
Papers from the meeting of the Board of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2013.
September 2015
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2015.
September 2016
Papers from the meeting of the Council of Governors (formerly the Board of Governors), September 2016.
Trust management
Information about the Trust's Board of Directors, Council of Governors and the Trust's Constitution.
Information for GPs about University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust's services.
What is a first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft procedure?
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures are carried out ...
Jake Gray's story
Jake Gray’s graduation is an extra-special achievement, given all the challenges he has faced along the way.
Graham wagstaff
Graham Wagstaff's story
Two years ago, Graham Wagstaff's future didn't look good. But everything changed when his life was saved.
Graphic design
Banners and signage
The Graphic Design Team can produce a wide range of banners and signage for exhibitions, signposting and more.
Contact the Graphics Team
Graphic Design and Multimedia Services Room WOL/3/05 Level 3, ...
General items
The Graphic Design Team can provide a wide range of products and services.
Graphic design and multimedia services
Graphic design services offered by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Graphic design questions and answers
Questions and answers about graphic design services at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Graphics customers' comments
See what the Graphics Team's previous customers have said.
The Graphic Design Team can produce a range of leaflets.
Medical art and illustration
The Graphics Team can produce a range of medical art and illustrations.
Meet the Graphics Team
Julia Ricketts, Medical Illustration Production Manager
Jane Tovey, Medical Illustration Services Manager
Derek ...
Patient information
The Graphic Design Team can provide a range of patient information for UHB and other trusts.
graphics@QEHB For maximum impact, our studio can produce a ...
Posters: design and print service
Our team of skilled designers can design your poster to your requirements.
Posters: print-only service
You can use our print-only service to have your poster printed.
Promotional items
The Graphic Design Team can provide a range of promotional items.
Order stocks or custom-designed stationery, such as business cards or compliments slips.
Great Britain
Hospital physio joins Olympic team
Emma Batchelor is going for gold with the Great Britain women’s Olympic hockey team at the 2012 London Games.
Great north swim
David Wardle's story
Almost two years to the day after Wayne Durham passed away, his cousin, David Wardle, took part in the Great North Swim.
Some of our HIV research trials
Some of the HIV research and development trials carried out at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Guillain-barré syndrome
Juliet Baron's story
"In A&E I was given a lumbar puncture and an MRI scan and they diagnosed Guillain-Barré syndrome."
Care in pregnancy
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV Service is a multidisciplinary ...
Blood test only clinic
Dermatology clinic
Lipid clinic
Outpatient clinics
Smoking cessation ...
Contact the HIV Team
How to contact the HIV Team for urgent and non-urgent queries.
Counselling services
The counselling service's aim is to offer patients the ...
Dietetic service
Information on healthy eating, alcohol consumption and weight loss for HIV patients.
Health advisors
Newly diagnosed?
Support for you and your loved ones
Starting ...
The University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust HIV Department ...
HIV research and development
Research is key in helping develop the management of ...
HIV research: frequently asked questions
Do I have to take part in ...
Pharmacy service
Long established and experienced
Friendly and informative
Dedicated to providing a ...
Post exposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure to HIV (PEPSE)
If you have had a condom breakage or unprotected sex, treatment is now available that may prevent your sexual partner from contracting HIV.
Recently diagnosed?
Your first visit to the clinic after diagnosis can ...
Sexual health
Information about the sexual health services provided by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Some of our HIV research trials
Some of the HIV research and development trials carried out at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Swine flu information for HIV infected patients
Please see the related links box for general swine ...
Travel information
For information about travelling abroad and the vaccinations you ...
Viral load meetings
Patients with complex medical conditions or HIV infection that ...
Why choose Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV clinic?
Reasons to choose us
Maintaining your health is important ...
Women's health
Many women's health services are offered by Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust.
Getting Here
Information about traveling to, staying at and getting around the hospital.
Jobs at UHB
See why our hospitals are great places to work.