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Date: 30 December 2024

Time: 16:55

Meta Keywords starting with N
Anaesthetics quality indicators Percentage of high risk patients prescribed anti-sickness medication at ...
Ben Phillips' story Ben Phillips from Bredon near Tewksbury has single-handedly raised hundreds of pounds for the Neuro Critical Care Unit.
Women's health Many women's health services are offered by Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust.
Neurology Neurology deals with diseases of the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles and their connections.
NET Centre
Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre Information about the Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre (NET Centre) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
UHB develops key European networks UHB is leading the way in creating key networks with other European centres of excellence to share specialist knowledge.
Ben Phillips' story Ben Phillips from Bredon near Tewksbury has single-handedly raised hundreds of pounds for the Neuro Critical Care Unit.
Sheila Leighton's story Sheila Leighton has been tirelessly fundraising for the Keith Leighton Neuro Fund.
NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre
Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre Information about the Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre (NET Centre) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Meet the Multiple Sclerosis Team Find out about the staff who make up the Multiple Sclerosis Team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre Information about the Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre (NET Centre) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Neurology Neurology deals with diseases of the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles and their connections.
Contact Neurophysiology Information on how to contact the neurophysiology department.
How to find Neurophysiology Information about how to find Neurophysiology.
Information for patients Information for patients about neurophysiology investigations and procedures.
Neurophysiology Information about neurophysiology services at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre Information about the Birmingham NeuroEndocrine Tumour Centre (NET Centre) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Multiple sclerosis services Information about services for multiple sclerosis patients at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Neurosurgery quality indicator Time from emergency admission with sub-arachnoid haemorrhage to surgery ...
New Birmingham Maternity Hospital
Histories project goes global Fiona Denning, from the UHB Communications team, recalls a chance encounter on her trip to South Africa.
New hospital
Helipad test photo gallery Photos of the helipad test carried out at the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on Saturday 8 May 2010.
MRI scanner delivery photo gallery Photos showing the delivery into the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham of a new MRI scanner during April 2010.
New hospital construction photo gallery These photos chart the construction of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham between March 2007 and May 2010.
New hospital fire drill photo gallery Photos from the fire drill at the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on 15 May 2010.
New hospital media briefing photo gallery See photos from the new hopsital media briefing held on 8 June 2010.
Staff transport with A&E move graphic photo gallery These photos show the new staff "Merry go Round" mini buses with A&E move graphics.
Our publications University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust produces a wide range of publications, from newsletters to reports.
NHS Choices
Your views Have your say on services at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Nhs discounts
Members' benefits As a member of the Trust you'll be playing ...
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2010 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award, and who nominated them.
Photos from the Best in Care Awards 2010 Photos from the Best in Care Awards 2010.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2011 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2013 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2014 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2015 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2016 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2017 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) Ear, nose and throat surgery is the specialty concerned ...
Our services We provide a regional cochlear implant service, ...
Nose and throat
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) Ear, nose and throat surgery is the specialty concerned ...
Our services We provide a regional cochlear implant service, ...
Nuclear medicine
Body composition scan What is a body composition scan? A body composition ...
Bone density scan What is a bone density scan? A bone density ...
Bone scan Information about bone scans in the Nuclear Medicine department.
Breast feeding Breast feeding advice Why does the scan affect breast ...
General information on nuclear medicine What is a nuclear medicine scan? Your doctor would ...
Heart perfusion scans What is a nuclear medicine heart perfusion scan? This ...
Nuclear Medicine The department provides a comprehensive range of nuclear medicine ...
Other therapies information about other therapies administered by the Nuclear Medicine department.
Phosphoris-32 treatment Information about phosphoris-32 treatment
Strontium 89 (Metastron™) treatment What is Metastron™? The active ingredient in Metastron™ is ...
Thyroid cancer and its treatment with radioiodine This information is for you, the patient, who will ...
Thyrotoxicosis and its treatment with radioiodine What is thyrotoxicosis? This is a term used to ...
Meet the Multiple Sclerosis Team Find out about the staff who make up the Multiple Sclerosis Team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Care Round initiative supports patient safety QEHB patients are enjoying the benefits of a new scheme which aims to tailor nursing care to their individual needs.
Colorectal nurse specialist team The specialist nurses work Monday to Friday from 07:30-16:30. The ...
Cynthia Clamp interview Cynthia Clamp discusses her career and time at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Dietetic service Information on healthy eating, alcohol consumption and weight loss for HIV patients.
Nutrition and dietetics The Nutrition and Dietetic department forms part of therapy ...
Nutrition Nurse Team Information on the Nutrition Nurse Team.
Nutrition Support Team Information on the Nutrition Support Team.
Referral to a dietitian You may be referred to a dietitian by your ...
What do nutrition nurses do? Details of tasks involved in the nutrition nurse role.
What do our dietitians do? All dietitians working within University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation ...
Nutrition Support Team
Research Learn about research undertaken by the Nutrition Support Team.

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