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Date: 30 December 2024

Time: 16:43

Meta Keywords starting with Q
Q and a
Multiple sclerosis questions and answers Questions and answers relating to multiple sclerosis and treatment of the condition at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Multiple sclerosis questions and answers Questions and answers relating to multiple sclerosis and treatment of the condition at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Photos from the Clocking Out event Photos from the Clocking Out event held in November 2010 to celebrate care at the old Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Elaine Fletcher's story Elaine Fletcher wanted to show her appreciation to all the staff on the Harborne Ward at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Photos from the Clocking Out event Photos from the Clocking Out event held in November 2010 to celebrate care at the old Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Audiology (Queen Elizabeth Hospital Audiology Centre) Information on the audiology service at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Birmingham Cancer Research UK Centre The Birmingham Cancer Research UK Centre unites world-class scientists, doctors and nurses based in the region to work more closely on beating cancer.
Charity University Hospitals Birmingham Charity is the official charity of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Helipad test photo gallery Photos of the helipad test carried out at the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on Saturday 8 May 2010.
New hospital construction photo gallery These photos chart the construction of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham between March 2007 and May 2010.
New hospital fire drill photo gallery Photos from the fire drill at the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on 15 May 2010.
Staff transport with A&E move graphic photo gallery These photos show the new staff "Merry go Round" mini buses with A&E move graphics.
The Bytheways' story An entire family has come together to raise £1,600 for University Hospital Birmingham Charities (UHB Charities) [now the QEHB Charity].
QEHB Charity
QEHB Charity thanks Brum runners QEHB Charity would like to thank everyone who ran the Bupa Great Birmingham Run in support of the charity.
QEHB Community Orchard’s and Gardens
QEHB Orchard’s vision ‘infectious’ say judges QEHB’s Community Orchard’s and Gardens have contributed to Birmingham being announced as the gold award for best large city in the Heart of England in Bloom Campaign.
QEHB@Home Information on the QEHB@Home service that offers patients the option to complete their care at home.
A&E glossary of terms Glossary of terms used in the Accident and Emergency clinical quality indicators.
Accident and Emergency clinical quality indicators The A&E clinical quality indicators display the latest performance figures for the Emergency Department at UHB.
Anaesthetics quality indicators Percentage of high risk patients prescribed anti-sickness medication at ...
Average post-operative length of stay indicator Average (mean) post-operative length of stay in days Your ...
Cardiac surgery quality indicators Quality indicators for first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft ...
Clinical governance Clinical governance defines the way the NHS cares for its patients, ensuring maintenance of high standards. The Board of Directors and all members of staff have a part to play.
Clinical Governance Support Unit The Clinical Governance Support Unit helps the Trust uphold its responsibilities in delivering the best in care.
Clostridium difficile indicator Percentage of patients who developed Clostridium difficile How is the ...
Emergency readmissions within 28 days indicator Percentage of patients who were readmitted as emergencies How is ...
Gastroenterology quality indicator Percentage of patients admitted with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ...
Hospital survival indicator Percentage of patients who survived How is the Trust doing? ...
Liver medicine quality indicator Percentage of patients who have endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) ...
Liver transplant quality indicator The use of the anti-viral medication Valganciclovir in CMV ...
Maxillofacial surgery quality indicator Percentage of emergency admissions with fractured mandible who have ...
May 2015 A&E performance headlines The latest UHB Emergency Department performance information.
MRSA bacteraemia indicator Percentage of patients who developed MRSA bacteraemia How is the ...
Neurosurgery quality indicator Time from emergency admission with sub-arachnoid haemorrhage to surgery ...
Our publications University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust produces a wide range of publications, from newsletters to reports.
Our strategic aims UHB's eight strategic aims have been put in place to improve our care, our levels of innovation and our essential role in the community.
Patients discharged on anti-platelet therapy indicator Percentage of patients discharged on anti-platelet therapy How is the ...
Patients discharged on statins indicator Percentage of patients discharged on statins How is the Trust ...
Patients who left A&E without being seen The percentage of patients who are initially received but leave A&E before meeting a clinical decision maker.
Patients who receive beta blockers on the day of the operation indicator Percentage of patients who received beta blockers on the ...
Post-operative stroke indicator Percentage of patients who had a post-operative stroke How is ...
Quality University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust is committed to ...
Quality Account and reports The Trust's official Quality Account for 2020/21 is available ...
Renal medicine quality indicators Percentage of haemodialysis programme patients with a urea reduction ...
Reopening (all causes) indicator Percentage of patients who required reopening How is the Trust ...
Respiratory medicine quality indicator Percentage of asthmatic patients who are discharged on inhaled ...
Rheumatology quality indicators Specialty quality indicators for the Rheumatology service at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Specialty quality indicators Clinical staff and the Health Informatics Team have an ...
Stroke quality indicator In hospital mortality following a stroke What is a stroke? ...
Time to initial assessment in A&E The arrival time in A&E until a patient is assessed by an emergency care medical or nursing professional.
Time to treatment in A&E The arrival time at A&E until a patient is seen by a clinical decision maker.
Total time spent in A&E The total amount of time from arrival at the department to leaving A&E.
Unplanned re-attendance at A&E The percentage of patients who have an unplanned re-attendance within seven days of their original A&E attendance.
Vascular surgery quality indicator Percentage of varicose vein procedures done as daycases What is ...
What is a first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft procedure? Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures are carried out ...
Quality and outcomes research unit
Quality and Outcomes Research Unit The Quality and Outcomes Research Unit (QuORU) consists of ...
Quality and Outcomes Research Unit terms of reference Terms of reference for the Quality and Outcomes Research Unit (QuORU)Board.
Queen elizabeth hospital
Elaine Fletcher's story Elaine Fletcher wanted to show her appreciation to all the staff on the Harborne Ward at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Photos from the Clocking Out event Photos from the Clocking Out event held in November 2010 to celebrate care at the old Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Audiology Centre
Audiology (Queen Elizabeth Hospital Audiology Centre) Information on the audiology service at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Queen elizabeth hospital birmingham
Andrew Lansley photo gallery Photos of Andrew Lansley, the Secretary of State for Health on his visit to Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham in January 2011.
Charity University Hospitals Birmingham Charity is the official charity of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Prince Charles and David Cameron photo gallery Photos from the joint visit of Prince Charles and David Cameron to Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham in December 2010.
Implant questions and answers Is an implant safe? Cochlear implants in adults ...
Quality and Outcomes Research Unit The Quality and Outcomes Research Unit (QuORU) consists of ...
Quality and Outcomes Research Unit terms of reference Terms of reference for the Quality and Outcomes Research Unit (QuORU)Board.

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