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Date: 27 July 2024

Time: 14:11

Meta Keywords starting with S
Care Round initiative supports patient safety QEHB patients are enjoying the benefits of a new scheme which aims to tailor nursing care to their individual needs.
Information for professionals Information for professionals about the Midlands Abdominal and Retroperitoneal/Pelvic Sarcoma Unit (MARSU).
Sarcoma Information on our services for patients with sarcomas; rare tumours arising from cells that make up connective tissue.
Body composition scan What is a body composition scan? A body composition ...
Bone density scan What is a bone density scan? A bone density ...
Bone scan Information about bone scans in the Nuclear Medicine department.
Heart perfusion scans What is a nuclear medicine heart perfusion scan? This ...
Video: having your CT scan at QEHB A video showing you what to expect when you visit QEHB for a CT scan.
Video: having your MRI scan at QEHB A video showing you what to expect when you visit QEHB for an MRI scan.
Video: having your PET CT scan at QEHB A video showing you what to expect when you visit QEHB for a PET CT scan.
MRI scanner delivery photo gallery Photos showing the delivery into the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham of a new MRI scanner during April 2010.
Care Round initiative supports patient safety QEHB patients are enjoying the benefits of a new scheme which aims to tailor nursing care to their individual needs.
Secretary of State for Health
Andrew Lansley photo gallery Photos of Andrew Lansley, the Secretary of State for Health on his visit to Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham in January 2011.
Selly oak
Photos of Selly Oak Hospital Gallery of photos from Selly Oak Hospital.
Selly oak hospital
End of an Era Fun Day photo gallery See photos from the End of an Era Fun Day, held on 23 May 2010 to mark a century of care at Selly Oak Hospital.
Royal art link for new hospital A royal charity will brighten the lives of patients at QEHB with the opening of a major permanent art exhibition.
Why choose Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV clinic? Reasons to choose us Maintaining your health is important ...
Contact the Hearing Implant Programme For further information regarding the services we provide, please ...
Hearing implant patient stories Stories from patients who have received a hearing implant.
Implant assessment process Cochlear, EAS or ABI implant assessment process Middle ear ...
Implant follow up programme Our programme complies with the joint British Cochlear Implant ...
Implant questions and answers Is an implant safe? Cochlear implants in adults ...
Implant switch-on Switch-on refers to the fitting of the external sound ...
Implant types Middle ear implant (MEI) Cochlear implant (CI) Electro-acoustic stimulation (EAS) implant Auditory ...
Inherited Metabolic Disease (IMD) The Endocrinology department provide a clinical service for the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of patients with inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs)
Jonathan Cadoux-Hudson's story Jonathan Cadoux-Hudson recaps his experience of receiving a cochlear implant.
Linda Mitchelmore's story Linda Mitchelmore recaps her experience of receiving a cochlear implant.
Meet the Hearing Implant Programme team Hearing Implant Programme team -> Will Brassington, Consultant Clinical Scientist - ...
Meet the team The Inherited Metabolic Disease service are available to answer questions on your condition and provide you with support and advice.
Metabolic disorders The inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs) service treat patients with a wide variety of metabolic disorders.
Surgical solutions to hearing loss The normal hearing pathway Sound waves in the air ...
Service delivery
UHB develops key European networks UHB is leading the way in creating key networks with other European centres of excellence to share specialist knowledge.
Service reorganisation
Changes to adult services - engagement analysis Information about an engagement analysis report produced as part of the Trust's engagement on changes to adult services at some of our hospitals.
Breast screening As part of the national Breast Screening Programme, University ...
Breast screening frequently asked questions Why go for breast screening? The purpose of screening ...
Breast services The South Birmingham Breast Unit service is managed by ...
Chemotherapy evaluation forms Evaluation forms for chemotherapy induction and study days.
Common conditions treated Breast lumps Most breast lumps are not cancerous but ...
Common procedures performed There may be a need to carry out further ...
Contact the Renal Services Team Should you feel unwell or have any query or ...
Contact us Breast care nurses Breast care nurses can be contacted ...
Contact us Breast Screening Service Birmingham Womens Hospital Metchley Park Road ...
Counselling services The counselling service's aim is to offer patients the ...
General guidance on attending renal clinics Please feel free to bring a friend or relative ...
How to find the Video Department See where the Video Department is based.
How to find us The South Birmingham Breast Unit service is located at ...
Inpatients and outpatients Inpatients If you require surgery, a consultant surgeon specialising ...
Kidney Patients' Association Information on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kidney Patients' Association.
Living kidney donors Who are we? We are a small group of ...
Our services We are a regional specialist centre for many types ...
Our services We provide a regional cochlear implant service, ...
Pharmacy service Long established and experienced Friendly and informative Dedicated to providing a ...
Renal acknowledgement Acknowledgement from the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Community Support Team.
Renal services (kidney) You may be referred to the renal clinic to ...
Services Details of the services provided by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
The services we offer Please see the services pages for details of services ...
Your appointment Initially you will be sent a health questionnaire with ...
Sexual health
Care in pregnancy The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV Service is a multidisciplinary ...
Clinics Blood test only clinic Dermatology clinic Lipid clinic Outpatient clinics Smoking cessation ...
Contact the HIV Team How to contact the HIV Team for urgent and non-urgent queries.
Counselling services The counselling service's aim is to offer patients the ...
Dietetic service Information on healthy eating, alcohol consumption and weight loss for HIV patients.
Health advisors Newly diagnosed? Support for you and your loved ones Starting ...
HIV The University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust HIV Department ...
HIV research and development Research is key in helping develop the management of ...
HIV research: frequently asked questions Do I have to take part in ...
Pharmacy service Long established and experienced Friendly and informative Dedicated to providing a ...
Post exposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure to HIV (PEPSE) If you have had a condom breakage or unprotected sex, treatment is now available that may prevent your sexual partner from contracting HIV.
Recently diagnosed? Your first visit to the clinic after diagnosis can ...
Sexual health Information about the sexual health services provided by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Swine flu information for HIV infected patients Please see the related links box for general swine ...
Travel information For information about travelling abroad and the vaccinations you ...
Viral load meetings Patients with complex medical conditions or HIV infection that ...
Why choose Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV clinic? Reasons to choose us Maintaining your health is important ...
Sharon beer
Graham Wagstaff's story Two years ago, Graham Wagstaff's future didn't look good. But everything changed when his life was saved.
Sheila leighton
Sheila Leighton's story Sheila Leighton has been tirelessly fundraising for the Keith Leighton Neuro Fund.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2011 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2013 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2014 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2015 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2016 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Winners and shortlisted nominees, 2017 See who's been shortlisted for a Best in Care Award.
Sign language
Bespoke sign language course for staff The first specially tailored British Sign Language course has been delivered to UHB staff to help provide a more rewarding experience for deaf patients.
Sign up
Choose how much you'd like to get involved We know that different people would like to get ...
Lung function and sleep Information about Lung Function and Sleep services at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
Why choose Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV clinic? Reasons to choose us Maintaining your health is important ...
End of an Era Fun Day photo gallery See photos from the End of an Era Fun Day, held on 23 May 2010 to mark a century of care at Selly Oak Hospital.
Why choose Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham HIV clinic? Reasons to choose us Maintaining your health is important ...
Solihull hospital
South Africa
Histories project goes global Fiona Denning, from the UHB Communications team, recalls a chance encounter on her trip to South Africa.
Specialist nutrition
Intestinal failure Information about intestinal failure, specialist nutrition and managing intestinal failure.
Average post-operative length of stay indicator Average (mean) post-operative length of stay in days Your ...
Cardiac surgery quality indicators Quality indicators for first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft ...
Clostridium difficile indicator Percentage of patients who developed Clostridium difficile How is the ...
Emergency readmissions within 28 days indicator Percentage of patients who were readmitted as emergencies How is ...
Hospital survival indicator Percentage of patients who survived How is the Trust doing? ...
MRSA bacteraemia indicator Percentage of patients who developed MRSA bacteraemia How is the ...
Patients discharged on anti-platelet therapy indicator Percentage of patients discharged on anti-platelet therapy How is the ...
Patients discharged on statins indicator Percentage of patients discharged on statins How is the Trust ...
Patients who receive beta blockers on the day of the operation indicator Percentage of patients who received beta blockers on the ...
Post-operative stroke indicator Percentage of patients who had a post-operative stroke How is ...
Reopening (all causes) indicator Percentage of patients who required reopening How is the Trust ...
Specialty quality indicators Clinical staff and the Health Informatics Team have an ...
What is a first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft procedure? Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures are carried out ...
Inpatients Speech and Language Therapists work with patients who are ...
Outpatients If you have acquired a problem with speech, language, ...
Speech and language therapy Information about the Speech and Language Therapy service.
Speech and language
Meet the Multiple Sclerosis Team Find out about the staff who make up the Multiple Sclerosis Team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Neurology Neurology deals with diseases of the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles and their connections.
Splanchnic Vascular Disorders
Budd Chiari Syndrome and Splanchnic Vascular Disorders Information on Budd Chiari Syndrome and Splanchnic Vascular Disorders at the Centre for Rare Diseases in the Heritage Building (QEH).
Meet the team Details of the Budd Chiari Syndrome and Splanchnic Vascular Disorders team at the Centre for Rare Diseases in the Heritage Building (QEH).
Sponsored walk
The Bytheways' story An entire family has come together to raise £1,600 for University Hospital Birmingham Charities (UHB Charities) [now the QEHB Charity].
Sport and exercise medicine
Contact the sport and exercise medicine team Contact details for the sport and exercise medicine team at UHB.
How to refer Details on referrals to the Sport and Exercise Medicine Service (SEMS).
Meet the team Information on the Sport and Exercise Medicine Service (SEMS) staff.
News and links External links relating to the Sport and Exercise Medicine Service (SEMS).
Sport and Exercise Medicine Information on the Sport and Exercise Medicine service on offer at UHB.
What we offer The Sport and Exercise Medicine Service (SEMS) offers a multi-disciplinary approach to sport and exercise medicine.
New sports medicine clinic up and running A new sports medicine clinic is up and running at QEHB with everyone from joggers to elite athletes being treated.
Contact diabetes staff Contact names Professor Wasim Hanif, Clinical Service Lead Edward Landon, Group Manager LinePhone ...
Meet your staff governors Profiles of current governors for the staff constituency at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Pain control feedback Patient experience feedback of pain control at UHB.
Meet your stakeholder governors In addition to those governors elected by the public, ...
Standards for Better Health
Care Quality Commission registration The Care Quality Commission (formerly the Healthcare Commission) is the body responsible for assessing and reporting on the performance of NHS, independent healthcare and social care organisations.
Reports and publications Read University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust's reports, plans, accounts.
Average post-operative length of stay indicator Average (mean) post-operative length of stay in days Your ...
Stoma care video Video about the care of stomas, produced by the Video Unit.
Stop smoking
Lorraine Wylde's story Lorraine broke the cycle ... and won a bike.
Hearing implant patient stories Stories from patients who have received a hearing implant.
David Wardle's story Almost two years to the day after Wayne Durham passed away, his cousin, David Wardle, took part in the Great North Swim.
Strategic aims
Clinical Governance Support Unit The Clinical Governance Support Unit helps the Trust uphold its responsibilities in delivering the best in care.
Our strategic aims UHB's eight strategic aims have been put in place to improve our care, our levels of innovation and our essential role in the community.
Post-operative stroke indicator Percentage of patients who had a post-operative stroke How is ...
Stroke quality indicator In hospital mortality following a stroke What is a stroke? ...
Who we are and what we do The structure of the Trust. Includes organisational structures.
Sue wainwright
The Wainwrights' story Sue and Philip Wainwright used the occasion of their ruby wedding anniversary earlier this year to raise money for the Liver Unit.
Patient support and helplines Rheumatology nursing support service The Rheumatology nursing support service ...
Respiratory support team The Respiratory Support Team (RST) consists of respiratory specialist ...
Support donor
Become a member today Complete this registration form to become a member of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
Choose how much you'd like to get involved We know that different people would like to get ...
How to get involved At the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, along with ...
Members' profiles Read about some of the existing members of University ...
Average post-operative length of stay indicator Average (mean) post-operative length of stay in days Your ...
Bowel symptoms Abdominal pain Anal/ rectal pain ...
Cardiac surgery The cardiac surgery ward (Ward 306) is located ...
Cardiac surgery quality indicators Quality indicators for first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft ...
Clostridium difficile indicator Percentage of patients who developed Clostridium difficile How is the ...
Colorectal nurse specialist team The specialist nurses work Monday to Friday from 07:30-16:30. The ...
Colorectal surgery The department is based on Ward 728 at the ...
Colorectal surgery treatments Colorectal Anal cancer Anal ...
Comments and suggestions We would like to hear your comments and suggestions ...
Emergency readmissions within 28 days indicator Percentage of patients who were readmitted as emergencies How is ...
Endocrinology quality indicator Percentage of patients prescribed hydrocortisone replacement following pituitary tumour ...
Hospital survival indicator Percentage of patients who survived How is the Trust doing? ...
Keyhole colorectal surgery University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust is the ...
Maxillofacial surgery quality indicator Percentage of emergency admissions with fractured mandible who have ...
MRSA bacteraemia indicator Percentage of patients who developed MRSA bacteraemia How is the ...
Patients discharged on anti-platelet therapy indicator Percentage of patients discharged on anti-platelet therapy How is the ...
Patients discharged on statins indicator Percentage of patients discharged on statins How is the Trust ...
Patients who receive beta blockers on the day of the operation indicator Percentage of patients who received beta blockers on the ...
Post-bowel surgery Pain relief The anaesthetist will discuss pain management ...
Post-operative stroke indicator Percentage of patients who had a post-operative stroke How is ...
Pre-bowel surgery Pre-admission clinic Before major surgery you will need ...
Renal medicine quality indicators Percentage of haemodialysis programme patients with a urea reduction ...
Reopening (all causes) indicator Percentage of patients who required reopening How is the Trust ...
Stomas Some patients who have bowel surgery will need to ...
Strictly Not Rehab Details of the 'Strictly Not Rehab' dance sessions for cardiac surgery patients.
Surgical solutions to hearing loss The normal hearing pathway Sound waves in the air ...
Vascular surgery quality indicator Percentage of varicose vein procedures done as daycases What is ...
What is a first-time, isolated coronary artery bypass graft procedure? Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures are carried out ...
Surgical solutions to hearing loss The normal hearing pathway Sound waves in the air ...
Hand hygiene feedback Patient experience feedback of hand hygiene at UHB.
Hospital and ward cleanliness feedback Patient experience feedback of hospital and ward cleanliness at UHB.
Hospital food feedback Patient experience feedback of hospital food at UHB.
Involvement in decisions about care and treatment feedback Patient experience feedback of involvement in care and treatment at UHB.
Overall care feedback Patient experience feedback of care received at UHB.
Pain control feedback Patient experience feedback of pain control at UHB.
Patient experience feedback Patient experience feedback of services, treatment and care at UHB.
Privacy during treatment feedback Patient experience feedback of treatment privacy at UHB.
Respect and dignity feedback Patient experience feedback of respect and dignity at UHB.
Staff talking in front of patients feedback Patient experience feedback of staff talking in front of patients at UHB.
Hospital survival indicator Percentage of patients who survived How is the Trust doing? ...
Swine flu
Swine flu information for HIV infected patients Please see the related links box for general swine ...
Switch on
Implant switch-on Switch-on refers to the fitting of the external sound ...
Histories project goes global Fiona Denning, from the UHB Communications team, recalls a chance encounter on her trip to South Africa.
Implant switch-on Switch-on refers to the fitting of the external sound ...

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